The new Scholar application opens on March 1st.
Stay tuned for a link
Thank You Bellarmine for hosting GSP 2025
Thank You Bellarmine for hosting GSP, and judges for great SF. Look forward to next year at Bellarmine.
Upcoming GSP Science Fair & Expo
Volunteer here to Judge: GSP will host its annual Science Fair for students to present projects that test a hypothesis, or show off their inventive creativity as an Expo project. For over 20 years, GSP has fostered this exploration of curiosity in STEM. Details to follow for our event on January 25, 2025.
GSP 2024-25 is Underway!
GSP is kicked off another year of engagement in STEM on August 24 with our Annual BBQ. An agile GSP has worked all summer long to prepare workshops for our 170+ scholars this year. Thanks to the many parent volunteers who are stepping up to create wonderful learning opportunities this year for our scholars.
2024 Summer Science Institutes Success
GSP completed its SSI 2024 at Harker School, and RTI for elementary, middle and high schoolers. Scholars learnt about AI, design thinking, the design process, and how to develop professional identities. Thank you to our partner organizations and volunteers who made this year a success! Onward - to a new scholar year at our August orientation and BBQ.
CLOSED: 2024-25 New Student Registration
Thank you for your interest in the Greene Scholars Program. Applications for new scholars will reopen in March 2025.