Why It Works

The playing field is not going to level itself.
Striving for excellence over 21 years, GSP has taken charge.
Greene Scholars give up a Saturday every month to take on a challenging STEM curriculum outside of school.
It's not for everyone, but hard work pays off.
of scholarship funds have been awarded by GSP to graduating high school seniors heading off to colleges and universities nationwide.
of Greene Scholars graduate from high school, and go on to college, adding valuable contributions to a global workforce.
of graduates pursue a STEM major in college helping to fulfill our mission to diversify the contributors to the STEM profession.

Monthly hands-on sessions build STEM confidence and competence. Over 1,700 projects have been exhibited at our Annual Science Fairs supported by 90+ area STEM professionals as volunteer Judges. GSP is focused on ensuring scholars have best options across all majors.
Community Partners
30,000+ volunteer hours have been recorded since 2016. Parents volunteers invest in our GSP scholar community. Corporate and university support have enabled over 1500 scholars to benefit from our 50+ Summer Science Institutes..

Cohort Experience
GSP retains over 85% of its scholars in the program, typically starting in 3rd or 4th grade and graduating in 12th grade with GSP scholarships to pursue higher education.